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(Completed Footbridge photos will be posted
Work continued
on the new footbridge project through December 2001 with progress reaching
this point. See below for specific captions under each photo, taken
the morning of March 9, 2002. For an earlier progress report from Fall
2001, click here. For some photos of the
completed Route 865 Realignment Project, click
to Miscellaneous Photos Footbridge
Archive Completed
Rt. 865 Bridge Project

All the concrete supports have been completed on the north (far) side
of the Norfolk Southern mainline, with several
remaining to be constructed on the south side. Unlike the north side,
the walkway will double back passing under itself and reaching ground
level just behind the yellow-canvassed equipment in the extreme left
of the first photo. The bright yellow and blue building visible between
two of the supports is the T-ball field located in the community park.
This westward view clearly shows the span across the Norfolks
mainline, with the unfinished structural portion in the foreground.
Green steel reinforcing bars can be seen lying on the ground, partially
covered with black plastic. The original Pennsylvania Railroad passenger
station used to reside near the highest support on the far side of the

This view shows the long, gradual grade that the north side of the bridge
takes as it gains the necessary height to cross the railroad. The large,
concrete area in the distance is a set of steps that provide an alternate
way to reach the walkway.
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