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Us CAPTAIN LOGAN The location of Bellwood in the center of beautiful Logan Valley is ample reason to start back a few years and digress briefly on the history of Captain Logan for whom this valley was named. Much has been written concerning James Logan, the Mingo Chief, and styled the greatest of Indian Orators. This Logan whose acts of depredation against whites in the Ohio valley caused the name of Logan to be regarded with horror, has caused confusion to many people. This necessitates the simple explanation that there were two Logans. In Col. Henry W. Shoemakers biography of Captain Logan we learn that the old famous Shikellemus, vice-regent of the powerful Iroquois nation had two sons, John the first son and James the second. James it was who cut a path of gory history across the Ohio valley and besmirched the Logan name. John, the elder brother was a firm follower of the ideas of his noble and sagacious father Shikellemus. John, or Tachmachdoarus, Spreading Oak was the character, who although much persecuted by his people as well as the whites, never lost his regard for the white people and lived a type of life that may well have been copied by the earlier whites. He served with distinction under Washington during the Revolutionary War and in many other respects proved his loyalty to the white people. It was a great calamity when Captain Logan suffered the loss of an eye, causing him to lose the vice-geremcy. This, according to an authentic source, was done through the trickery of a white rum peddler, Jack Armstrong, during archery practice, although other reports say it was done in a battle with other Indians. However, the result was that the loss of an eye constitutes a physical defect, which meant the equivalent of disgrace among the Indians and caused him to be deposed of his hereditary leadership. The loss of his wise leadership and its later effect on the Iroquois nation can only be conjectured. Col. Shoemakers history deals much with Captain Logan's residence at Logan Spring, Hensheytown, where he settled upon coming here from Huntingdon County prior to 1768. His activities around Tuckahoe and his friendship with the Martin Bell family give us just cause to claim credit for Captain Logan partly belonging to Bellwood. He later moved to Tyrone, at the mouth of Bald Eagle Creek at a spring that also bears his name. In 1792 Christian Black became the owner of the Logan Spring farm. He was a farmer and tanner. He made the first improvements and carried on his tanning business for a number of years. Later he sold his farm to Thomas Ricketts and later on in 1824 John Henshey became the owner. In 1827 John Henshey laid out the town of Davidsburg, naming it in honor of his son, David. Later, however, it acquired the family name, Hensheytown. John Figart built the first house in Davidsburg in 1828. It was used as a tavern then and is still used as a dwelling rouse and is owned by the W. D. Thomas Estate. Davidsburg, otherwise known as Hensheytown, was quite an active business center. At one time it could boast of two taverns, three stores, a tannery, two shoe shops, two tailor shops, two blacksmith shops and one wagon shop, besides carpenters and cabinetmakers, etc. At this time it boasted of being the metropolis of Blair County. Its glory has departed however, and it is now but a quaint little hamlet. Logan Spring is now owned by Gilbert S. Watts and still retains the same beautiful appearance as in the days of Captain Logan. PLACES NAMED FOR CAPTAIN LOGAN: LOGAN
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